Friday, January 20, 2012

Some basic observations

I will write sum observations that I've noticed so far. Note Emir, I am merely using ur template from ur so called "p/s: i dont write blogs, i write travel notes. peace."

Turkish people's look vary a lot. In general, I would say they look like Arabs with straight hair. But its such a big country and Istanbul being the capital, there is a wide range of Turkish people, from very European looking (blonde, blue eyes) to black hair, the ones from asians looking well, asians.

It is after all bordered by several countries, this info is highly unreliable, I am picking it off from my head; Bulgaria, Romania, Greece on the East, to Russia, Armenia, Georgia, the tans2 country. And sum gulf countries, Syria one of them, because I have a Syrian housemate so this info is correct.

On the streets, people are well dressed. This includes the uncle selling pretzel to auntie selling flowers. To kids selling tissue paper. I think. Betul, jaket die cam style, I feel underdressed -.-


  1. Been reading and enjoying your notes and pictures, kenapa cam lain dia punya format? got to get used to this...

    write more...

    their=they are?

    tak pe la, you have done your spm and got stret As!

  2. shamaz: haha ok weekend nı ade mase

    umı: yes umı, should get use to ıt. the pıcture qualıty ıs better than facebook, thats why ı choose thıs blog. ıt should be easıer for u to understand than me gettıng used to thıs turkısh keyboard!
